The LINX procedure or Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation is another surgical treatment option for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) for patients who do not respond well to medications or would like to get off these medications.
During the procedure, a ring of tiny metal beads with magnetic core is placed around the junction of the esophagus and stomach. These beads help keep the lower esophageal sphincter closed to prevent stomach acid from flowing back up into the esophagus. When the patient eats or drinks on the other hand, the forces from swallowing cause the magnets to separate, the LINX device to expand, and the LES to open for food or liquid to pass into the stomach normally.
The surgery is done laparoscopically or robotically with overnight hospital stay, fast recovery and quick return to work and normal activities.
Pictures from Johnson&Johnson
The LINX procedure is now an option for patients who have had a prior sleeve gastrectomy and who are suffering from severe GERD. For these patients, the only previously available option was a revision to a gastric bypass. Studies have shown that with the LINX procedure, 85% of patients no longer needed daily PPIs one year after LINX treatment, 81% of patients were free from moderate-to-severe heartburn at one year, and 92% were free from moderate-to-severe regurgitation at one year.
If you have severe heartburn or GERD and are considering the LINX procedure, schedule a consultation with us to determine if this is a good option for you.